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Всі переклади - moviestrock

Мова оригіналу
Мова, якою перекладати

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Мова оригіналу
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Англійська execution of all related works of fit-out of...
execution of all related works of fit-out of shops, hypermarket, cinemas, department stores, entertainment areas are out of the scope of works to the extent which is defined in the specifications

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Турецька ÅŸartlarda belirtildiÄŸi gibi
Мова оригіналу
Англійська The poultices were allowed to rest on stained...
The poultices were allowed to rest on stained surfaces for a 10 min, 20 min, 30 min and 15 hours. A single cleaning application was performed per cleaning regime. In order to mininmize the rate of evaporation and contact with the external atmosphere, wet poultices were covered with a Mylar R film for the duration of the treatment. Following application, paper pulp was removed and the treated surfaces were rinsed by sprying with distilled water.
kireçtaşı yüzeylerinden pas lekelerini kaldırmanın yolları ile ilgili makalenin bir bölümüdür.

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Турецька Lapalar lekeli yüzeyde...
Мова оригіналу
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Англійська As a whole, the biological evidence suggests that...
As a whole, the biological evidence suggests that humans have specialized capacities that give them an advantage in the use of language, but these aren't necessarily tied to language alone. Thus one might expect to find other species acquiring or using language, but not so sophisticated a language.

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Турецька bir bütün olarak, biyolojik kanıtlar gösteriyor ki....
Мова оригіналу
Англійська safs
On a busy day (or night), it's quite likely that each of these outlets will have functions booked, with additional serves and stewards adding to the already heavy kitchen traffic.

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Турецька yoÄŸun bir günde
Мова оригіналу
Англійська It stillstrikes me as strange that the case...
It strikes me as strange that the case histories I write read like short stories and that,as one might say,they lack the serious stamp of science.I must console myself with the reflection that the nature of the subject is evidently responsible for this, rather than any preference of my own.. detailed description of mental processes such as we are accustomed to find in the works of imaginative writers enables me to obtain at least some kind of insight into the course of that affliction.

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Турецька bu durum halen bana garip gelmekte
Мова оригіналу
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Англійська The technique usually involves nulling an...
The technique usually involves nulling an absolute probe in air and placing the probe in contact with the sample surface. For nonmagnetic materials, the change in impedance of the coil can be correlated directly to the conductivity of the material. The technique can be used to easily sort magnetic materials from nonmagnetic materials but it is difficult to separate the conductivity effects from the magnetic permeability effects, so conductivity measurements are limited to nonmagnetic materials. It is important to control factors that can affect the results such as the inspection temperature and the part geometry.

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Турецька bu teknik genellikle bir sondanın
Мова оригіналу
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Англійська acil desem inanıcakmısın?
Wow,are u serious?It's a bit fast,isn't it?

What apprenticeship is?i know the meaning,but what is it?I dont use this word in hungary.Will you have to learn somethig?Poor you...i'll have to write the high-school graduation next year and i'm a bit sceared about it cause i'm not the best in school now and i don't know where to continue my studies...
But...u didn't answer my questions!write me something about u!
ingilizcem yoktur aÄŸabey kusura bakma

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Турецька Vay canına ciddimisin?